Online Chat
The Chat with Us, on this website, is an excellent way of communicating with us. We see your messages on our smart phones and reply, hopefully soon enough, if not at once.
You can also Message Us on WhatsApp. This is just as fast as the Chat with Us and you may prefer it if you are a regular user.
Sales Enquiries
Call 01803 229980 - Option 1.
We are happy to talk on the phone both during normal hours but also early evening and weekends.
Or visit us at our showroom in South Devon.
We are easily located on Google Maps or use what3words = ///subsets.ejects.routs
Office and Admin
Call 01803 229980 Option 3
For after sales service, our warehouse, showroom and anything else.
Our normal hours are 8.30 am - 4.30 pm Monday to Friday.
Our address is in the footer.