Numerous websites advertise fake Pepe Garden Furniture promo codes, discounts, coupons, or vouchers for our products. These scams are usually discovered by searching phrases such as “Pepe Garden discount codes,” “Pepe Garden vouchers,” or “deals.” These codes are counterfeit and some are even illegal and potentially harmful to your privacy. By entering personal information to claim a code, customers are often deceived. Although they promise a percentage or discount on our products, this is a scam and you may be redirected to our website from theirs.
It is important to note that these websites are not affiliated with Pepe and are using our brand without permission. We do not use third-party sites for discounts or voucher campaigns, and any codes found through these searches will not work. Fake or scam websites may trick you into providing private data that could be used for identity theft or other fraudulent activities. If you have been a victim of fraud, we advise you to report it to the police or Action Fraud.
To obtain genuine discount codes for Pepe, promotions will always be communicated directly through our official channels. This includes loyalty bonuses for existing or new customers and special offers in social media posts. Following us on Facebook or Instagram will keep you up-to-date on promotions and special offers.
The reason for the existence of fake codes is that searching for discounts and offers online can be tempting for saving money. Unfortunately, this is also an easy way to give your name and contact information to fraudsters. Therefore, it is crucial to verify that a voucher deal is genuine before providing any personal information.
It is common for some websites to scam you for money by requesting payment for vouchers or other types of discount promotions. Many are attempting to acquire your personal information to sell it to mailing lists. This could result in receiving unsolicited emails, potentially with harmful content. Your private data may also be used in conjunction with other sources to attempt identity theft and other criminal activities.
If an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. Be cautious and check it thoroughly before clicking on anything. Only enter your personal information on a website if you are confident that it is trustworthy. Avoid clicking on links or buttons in emails, unless they are our emails to subscribers.